Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tips for Traveling to Mexico

Tips for Traveling to Mexico
Many people love traveling to Mexico, but they often forget important items that could save them time, money, and major headaches. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that you have a safe and happy trip.
When traveling to Mexico, try to learn a few basic words in Spanish. Research the area and familiarize yourself with the local customs, this can make a big difference.

Pack Light

You’ll avoid expensive airline baggage fees by taking only two bags of the proper dimensions – and one additional bag such as a purse or small back pack. This way you know that your items won’t get lost. Many items aren’t worth the hassle of carrying and can be purchased in Mexico.

Costs and Cash

Purchasing food in any airport can be extremely costly, save your money for Mexico and use one of your carryon bags to carry snacks and sandwiches. Sunflower seeds, nuts, chex mixes, and pretzels are all good travel foods, as well as sandwiches.
Always have some cash tucked away in a side pocket or even your shoe, in the event that you need quick cash for a cab or a bite to eat and consider wearing a money belt to keep any large bills hidden.

Additional fees

Many countries have departure fees and collect them upon your exit from the country, but these charges are included in the price of your ticket when traveling to Mexico, although this can change without notice.
To enter into Mexico, you’ll need these three items and documents:
  • Valid proof of citizenship such as a birth certificate or passport.
  • A photo I.D.
  • A Tourist Card.
Leave a copy of your itinerary with at least one family member or close friend, so you can be contacted if necessary.

Food and Beverage

Although the food in Mexico is some of the finest cuisines in the world – don’t drink the tap water. It might make you sick. Check with your hotel to see if the ice is made from purified water as well.
Be especially careful when drinking tequila in Mexico, there’s a wide variety to choose from and the powerful effects can quickly sneak up on you.

Avoid Being a Target

Don’t wear conspicuous clothing or expensive jewelry. Always keep your eyes on your bags, and don’t carry excessive amounts of money. Don’t forget your medication and carry a back up if you can. If you wear eyeglasses, carry an extra pair in your luggage.


Don’t take anything with you that you can’t bear to lose. Leave all jewelry, unnecessary credit cards, irreplaceable personal items at home. Carry your ID and passport separately.

Getting Around

You can rent a car in Mexico if you’re 25 or older, but you need a major credit card and a valid drivers license. Mexico has an extensive bus system that offers inexpensive and reliable transportation. There are two grades of buses, first and second class. First class is recommended, however, due to the air conditioning and a possible stewardess serving cold beverages. Trains are another popular mode of travel here.

Safety Tips

Avoid traveling alone, there’s always safety in numbers.
Be especially cautious after dark and stick to well lit areas.
Keep these tips in mind when travelling to Mexico. Mexico is a great place to visit but proper precaution should always be taken to ensure a safe, fun and memorable journey.

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