Suzanne Barbezat
Calling Mexico
The country code for Mexico is 52. If calling from the U.S. or Canada, dial 011 + 52 + area code + phone number.Area Codes
In the three largest cities of Mexico (Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey), the area code is two digits and phone numbers are eight digits, whereas in the rest of the country area codes are three digits and phone numbers are seven digits.
Mexico City 55
Guadalajara 33
Monterrey 81
Long-distance calls from within Mexico
For national long-distance calls (within Mexico) the code is 01 plus the area code and phone number. For international long-distance calls, first dial 00, then the country code (for the U.S. and Canada the country code is 1, so you would dial 00 + 1 + area code + 7 digit number).
Country Codes
U.S. and Canada 1
United Kingdom 44
Australia 61
New Zealand 64
South Africa 27
Calling Cell Phones
If you're within the area code of the Mexican cell phone number you wish to call, you should dial 044, then the area code, then the phone number. Mexican cell phones are under a plan called "el que llama paga," which means that the person who makes the call pays for it, so calls to cell phones cost more than calls to regular phone numbers. Outside of the area code (but still within Mexico) you would first dial 045 and then the 10 digit phone number. To call a Mexican cell phone from outside the country you would dial as if to a land line: 011-52-1 then the area code and number.
Phone cards
Phone cards ("tarjetas telefonicas") for use in pay phones can be bought at newstands and in pharmacies in denominations of 30, 50 and 100 pesos. Pay phones do not accept coins. When buying a phone card for pay phone use, specify that you would like a "tarjeta LADA," because pre-paid cell phone cards are also sold in the same establishments.
Calling from a pay phone is the most economical way to call, though all long-distance phone calls are more expensive from Mexico than from most other countries. Other options include calling from your hotel, or calling from a "caseta telefonica," a business that has telephone and fax service.
Emergency and Useful Phone Numbers
Keep these phone numbers close at hand for any emergencies that might occur. You do not need a phone card to call 3-digit emergency numbers from a pay phone.
- Emergency 066
- Red Cross 065
- Police 060
- Directory assistance 040
- Tourist protection and information 01 800 903 9200 or 01 800 987 8224, from the U.S. and Canada 1 800 482 9232 or 1 800 401 3880
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