This rate is often significantly better than what you can get from exchanging money at a local exchange counter. In addition, local banks or money change bureaus will add on transaction fees, which can easily eat up another 2 percent of your money.
That's not to say there aren't any fees associated with international ATM withdrawals -- see below -- but if you need cash, you will still almost always get the best exchange rate at the lowest possible cost by using your ATM card.
Finding an ATM
Before you leave home with just your ATM card, however, make sure that the Cirrus, Maestro or PLUS networks are readily available where you're going. While these networks are increasingly common overseas, they are still only available at a limited number of banks in selected countries. Each network has an online ATM locator:
MasterCard/Cirrus/Maestro ATM Locator
Visa/PLUS ATM Locator
Check the back of your card to see which networks your card is linked to. If your card is not a part of either Cirrus or PLUS, you may find it difficult to find ATMs to use abroad. Contact your bank for assistance.
Using Your Card Abroad
Sudden changes in your account activity, such as frequent withdrawals in a foreign country using your ATM card, can sometimes trigger a fraud alert and cause your bank to freeze your account. To prevent being stranded overseas without a functioning ATM card, be sure to call your bank before you leave to let them know where and when you will be traveling. During the same phone call, ask for a number that you can call from overseas in case your card is lost or stolen -- often the 800 number listed on the back of your card will only work in the U.S. or Canada. Be sure to keep this number in a separate place from your card.
It's important to have a back-up plan in case your card is lost, stolen or eaten by an ATM machine; this could be in the form of a second ATM card (either your own or a travel companion's), cash, credit cards or traveler's checks.
Which Fees to Expect
Because these small fees can add up quickly, you will probably want to withdraw larger amounts than you might normally do at home -- so be sure you have a safe, well-concealed place to keep your cash. When deciding how much to withdraw, try to choose an uneven amount (180 euros rather than 200, for instance) so you don't wind up with huge bills that you'll have trouble breaking.
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